What’s delusional jealousy?

Delusional jealousy is a mental disorder where a person believes their partner is cheating on them, causing obsessive thoughts and potentially violent behavior. It can be a symptom of other mental disorders and is treated with therapy and medication, with severe cases requiring involuntary confinement and antipsychotic medication. Delusional jealousy is a mental disorder in […]

Jealousy vs. Envy: What’s the difference?

Jealousy and envy are often used interchangeably, but they have key differences. Jealousy is negative and focused on the rival, while envy can have positive effects and is focused on the perceived value of the object. Envy can lead to materialistic behavior, while jealousy can lead to physical confrontations. Envy can motivate self-improvement, while jealousy […]

What’s Sexual Jealousy?

Sexual jealousy is a powerful emotion that occurs when one partner fears that the other has shared inappropriate physical or emotional intimacies with someone else. It is considered universal for humans and some animals, and may serve evolutionary and sociological purposes. Men and women can experience or react to sexual jealousy differently due to their […]

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