Sephardi Jews: who are they?

Sephardic Jews are descendants of the Jewish population of the Iberian Peninsula and can be found worldwide. They have a unique cultural tradition and language, Judeo-Spanish. Sephardic Jews have different religious practices and were expelled from Spain in 1492. Some classify Mizrahi Jews as Sephardic, while others argue they are distinct. Sephardic Jews are people […]

Mizrahi Jews: who are they?

Mizrahi Jews are ancient Jewish communities of Middle Eastern, North African, and Asian descent. They practice Mizrahi or Sephardic Judaism and have influenced the cultural traditions of Christianity and Islam. They speak various languages, including Hebrew, Arabic, Persian, and Aramaic. Many Mizrahi Jews were expelled from Muslim nations in the 20th century after the founding […]

Ashkenazi Jews: who are they?

Ashkenazi Jews are descendants of Jewish populations in Central and Eastern Europe, with a rich cultural and religious tradition. They are genetically linked to Middle Eastern ancestry and have their own language, Yiddish. Many settled in Germany and were later pushed back into Eastern Europe. They were persecuted, and many were killed in the Holocaust. […]

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