Who’s Harriet McBryde Johnson?

Harriet McBryde Johnson, a disability activist, writer, and attorney, challenged stereotypes and fought for disability rights. Despite being born with a neuromuscular disorder, she excelled academically and professionally, using her gift with words to inform the public about living with a disability. She worked primarily in Social Security disability appeals and was a fierce opponent […]

Who’s Lady Bird Johnson?

Lady Bird Johnson was born in 1912 and married Lyndon Baines Johnson in 1934. As First Lady, she promoted environmental protection and helped create the Head Start Program. After her husband’s death, she continued charitable work and served on various boards. She suffered health problems in later years. Claudia Alta Taylor Johnson, better known as […]

Who’s Lyndon Johnson?

Lyndon Johnson became the 36th US president after the assassination of John F. Kennedy. His presidency was based on the Great Society program, which included the creation of the Department of Housing and Urban Development. Johnson entered politics through his father’s connections and became vice president under Kennedy. He was reelected in 1964 but was […]

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