Junction Diode: What is it?

A junction diode is a semiconductor crystal with two electrical terminals that conducts current in one direction. It can change AC to DC, sense temperature, protect circuits, create and perceive light, and form logic gates. When a forward bias voltage is applied, current flows easily, while a reverse bias voltage widens the depletion layer and […]

What’s a Junction Plate?

Splice plates are used to reinforce connections between steel beams in construction. They help improve safety and prevent structural failure. Splicing is used when long beams are not available or difficult to transport. The plates are pre-drilled and bolted onto the joint, distributing forces and reducing the risk of deformation. Building codes provide specific requirements […]

Junction Box: What is it?

Electrical junction boxes hide wiring intersections and provide protection from sparks. They are made of metal or plastic and have a door for access. They can last for decades and may need upgrading for larger splices or wires. Electrical junction boxes are devices that contain the junctions or intersections of wiring that allow home or […]

What’s a Tunnel Junction?

Tunnel junctions use quantum tunneling to pass electrons through a barrier, allowing for fast electronic devices and efficient photovoltaic cells. The wave-particle duality theory explains how electrons can pass through the barrier at high frequencies. Tunnel junctions are used in electronics, clean energy research, and scientific instruments. A tunnel junction is a point where two […]

What’s a comma junction?

Comma splices occur when two independent clauses are joined with a comma, which is considered incorrect. Fixes include using a period, semicolon, coordinating conjunctions, subordinating conjunctions, or transitional words. Comma splices can be used for emphasis but should be used carefully. A comma splice is a type of grammatical error that is frequently made. Whenever […]

What’s a neuromuscular junction?

The neuromuscular junction is where motor nerves meet muscles to transmit messages from the brain, controlling body movements and heartbeats. Neurons communicate using neurotransmitters and have axons that transmit chemicals to the next neuron. Malfunctions can cause muscle weakness and loss of control, as in myasthenia gravis. A neuromuscular junction is a point in the […]

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