June 23rd event?

The text covers various events, including the first SAT exam (1926), Lorena Bobbit cutting off her husband’s penis (1993), the first attempt to go around the world in a single-engine plane (1931), the birth of the International Olympic Committee (1894), the patent for the typewriter (1868), the registration of the Mercedes brand (1902), John Gotti’s […]

June 10th event?

Benjamin Franklin conducted electrical experiments, Saab released its first car, Alcoholics Anonymous was founded, the first class of the US Naval Academy graduated, Joe Nuxhall became the youngest major league baseball player, James Earl Ray escaped from prison, NASA launched the Spirit Rover to Mars, the last episode of The Sopranos aired, the first witch […]

June 17th event?

Amelia Earhart flew over the Atlantic, later disappeared. Statue of Liberty arrived in US as a gift from France. Watergate burglars arrested, led to Nixon’s resignation. OJ Simpson arrested for murder. Population Registration Act repealed in South Africa. Union Station massacre occurred. Supreme Court ruled against Bible verses in school. Republican Party held first convention. […]

June 11th event?

ET movie released (1982), Committee of Five drafts Declaration of Independence (1776), Timothy McVeigh executed for Oklahoma City bombing (2001), US Congress recognizes Antonio Meucci as inventor of telephone (2002), US Supreme Court rules flag-burning is constitutional (1990), Alcatraz escape successful (1962), Supreme Court rules abortion is constitutional right (1986), Jeanette Rankin born, first female […]

June 20th: what occurred?

The world’s first commercial telephone was installed by Alexander Graham Bell in 1877. Other events include the acquittal of Lizzie Borden, Muhammad Ali’s conviction being overturned, and the release of Jaws. Nicole Kidman and John Goodman were born. The world’s first commercial telephone is installed. (1877) Alexander Graham Bell installed telephone service in Hamilton, Ontario […]

June 16th: what occurred?

The first roller coaster was installed in Brooklyn in 1884, Valentina Tereshkova became the first woman in space in 1963, Roosevelt’s New Deal began in 1933, the first commercial aircraft hijacking occurred in 1948, Ford Motor Co. was incorporated in 1903, Bob Dylan recorded “Like a Rolling Stone” in 1965, Geronimo was born in 1829, […]

June 24th: What occurred?

The US Air Force denies that the Roswell incident involved alien bodies, while controversy and conspiracy theories continue. John Cabot saw North America in 1497, possibly Canada or Newfoundland. Germans in 1374 experienced St. John’s Dance, possibly caused by a poisonous mushroom. The Humber Bridge, once the longest suspension bridge, opened in 1981. O Canada […]

June 22nd: what occurred?

Kodachrome film was discontinued after 72 years, Galileo retracted his view, John Lennon’s killer pleaded guilty, and the US Supreme Court protected cross-burning as free speech. Other events include the creation of the DOJ, the lowering of the US voting age, and the signing of the GI Bill. Meryl Streep was born, Fred Astaire and […]

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