Jurassic creatures?

The Jurassic period was in the middle of the Age of Reptiles, with major dinosaur groups evolving in the Late Triassic. The landscape was dominated by conifers, cycads, and ferns, and the climate was warm and lush. Dinosaurs ruled for 30 million years, with two main groups: saurischians and ornithischians. Large theropods and sauropods dominated, […]

Revive extinct species like in Jurassic Park? Possible?

Scientists have successfully sequenced DNA from a 120-135 million-year-old weevil found in Lebanese amber, but reviving larger and older animals remains difficult due to the challenge of finding intact DNA. Soft tissue from Pleistocene species is available, making the revival of Neanderthals and other species feasible. The technology raises ethical questions, but human curiosity is […]

Bio issues in Jurassic Park?

Jurassic Park’s premise of reviving dinosaurs through DNA extraction from ancient mosquitoes preserved in amber is scientifically inaccurate. Recovering truly ancient DNA is still debated, and filling gaps in dinosaur DNA with frog DNA and finding a suitable egg for injection pose further challenges. However, biotech advances have made some reconsider the possibility. Recently extinct […]

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