What’s a jury verdict?

A jury verdict is the conclusion reached by jurors based on evidence presented in a trial. In criminal trials, the verdict is guilty or not guilty, while in civil trials, it determines liability and damages. Jury members vote to reach a unanimous or majority decision, with the foreman announcing the verdict. Settlements can avoid a […]

What’s a Grand Jury Report?

Grand jury reports contain findings and recommendations based on details heard in a legal case. They can vary in length and format, but typically include an overview of evidence and a basis for future action. Findings may include witness deception, while recommendations may include additional expenses. Grand jury reports are documents issued by the grand […]

Jury tampering: what is it?

Jury tampering is attempting to influence jurors outside of evidence and arguments presented in court. Jurors can be charged if they participate and fail to report it. Courts use methods to reduce risk, and tampering can come from anyone. Jurors should report any tampering, and penalties vary. Jury tampering is an offense characterized by attempting […]

What’s jury selection?

Jury selection involves three stages, starting with voir dire where prospective jurors are questioned. Attorneys can challenge jurors and issue peremptory challenges. In death penalty cases, jurors are questioned about their beliefs. The process varies but aims to ensure a fair trial. Jury selection is the process by which jurors are selected for a jury […]

What’s a Grand Jury Probe?

A grand jury determines whether to issue an indictment based on probable cause or sufficient evidence. The jury consists of citizens and meets for a longer period than trial juries. The process is secretive to ensure honest testimony. Once evidence is presented, the jury deliberates and votes on issuing an indictment. The grand jury originated […]

What’s a jury pool?

A jury pool is a group of citizens from a particular jurisdiction who are eligible to serve on a jury. Potential jurors are randomly selected and sent questionnaires and subpoenas. During the jury selection process, prospective jurors are interviewed to determine impartiality. Lawyers can challenge potential jurors, and excess jurors may be fired. A jury […]

Jury instructions: what are they?

Jury briefs are instructions from a judge to a jury on how to make decisions about a case. They must be simple, clear, and legal. Judges can use standardized instructions or write their own, but must consult with attorneys. Instructions must also be accessible to jurors with disabilities. Jury briefs are directions from a judge […]

What’s a jury questionnaire?

A jury questionnaire is a survey given to potential jurors to gather information about them and determine their suitability for a case. The questionnaire aims to detect potential bias or impartiality and includes questions about demographics, beliefs, and past experiences with the justice system. Attorneys use the information to select preferred jurors and eliminate ineligible […]

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