What’s Kaizen Costing?

Kaizen cost is a continuous improvement system that aims to reduce costs through gradual changes in the manufacturing process. It involves analyzing all parts of the process and generating ideas to improve efficiency and reduce waste. Employees are treated as valuable sources of solutions. Kaizen cost is a cost reduction system applied to a product […]

What’s a Kaizen Event?

A kaizen event is a short-term process that uses Japanese principles to quickly improve a specific area of a business. It aims to make daily changes to constantly improve production, reduce waste, and inspire cooperation among all levels of employees. Planning can take several months, and follow-up meetings are held to assess progress. While mostly […]

What’s Kaizen training?

Kaizen training teaches business leaders techniques to improve efficiency and effectiveness through process learning and self-reflection. It originated in Japan and involves bringing employees together to solve problems and pursue corporate goals. It is available through on-site training, coaching, and retreats. Kaizen training is a training program for business leaders and corporate executives that teaches […]

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