What’s MMA Kickboxing?

MMA kickboxing is a style of fighting used in mixed martial arts competitions that combines traditional boxing punches with kicks and foot strikes. Originally with few rules, it now includes open-fingered gloves and timed matches. MMA kickboxing allows for a greater variety of kicks and submission holds, and competitors are not limited to any specific […]

Kickboxing for kids: beneficial?

Kickboxing is a popular sport that offers health, fitness, and self-confidence benefits, making it ideal for both adults and children. Kickboxing academies teach children the fundamentals of combat and athletics, including other martial arts techniques. Reputable schools aim to teach children how to defend themselves without violence and arm them with skills and confidence to […]

What’s cardio kickboxing?

Cardio kickboxing is a non-contact cardiovascular exercise that combines boxing, martial arts, and aerobics. It burns 350-450 calories per hour, improves flexibility, strength, and coordination, and relieves stress. Beginners should start slowly and wear loose-fitting clothing. Cardio kickboxing is a cardiovascular exercise that is a mix of boxing, martial arts, and aerobics. Traditional movements in […]

Types of kickboxing workouts?

Kickboxing is a martial art that uses punches and kicks for a full-body workout. Cardio kickboxing is a popular type that uses constant movements and music to burn calories and tone muscles. Other types include traditional kickboxing with equipment and self-defense lessons. It’s important to be guided by a professional to avoid injuries. Kickboxing is […]

Karate vs Kickboxing: What’s the difference?

Karate and kickboxing are two different physical disciplines, with karate having spiritual and mental components. Karate originated in Okinawa and gained popularity in the 19th century, while kickboxing emerged in the 1950s and is a hybrid sport that integrates movements from different sports and martial arts. Both can be used for self-defense and are popular […]

Types of kickboxing gear?

Kickboxing is a full-contact sport that uses hands and feet for self-defense and fitness. Mouthguards, boxing gloves, and shin guards are essential equipment for safety. Custom mouthguards, 8 or 10 oz gloves, and synthetic leather shin guards are recommended for professional kickboxers. Other gear includes head protection, boxing gear, and boxing shoes. Kickboxing is a […]

How to become a Kickboxing trainer?

To become a kickboxing trainer, one must earn a physical education degree, complete a CPR course, get certified in kickboxing instruction, and develop their own exercise program. A group fitness certification and medical clearance are also recommended. Kickboxing is a type of cardiovascular conditioning program that combines kicking, punching and aerobic exercise. To become a […]

What’s Aerobic Kickboxing?

Aerobic kickboxing combines martial arts, boxing, and aerobics to create a high-intensity workout that can burn up to 800 calories per hour. It’s important to warm up and cool down properly, start slowly, and consult a doctor before beginning any new exercise program. Aerobic kickboxing, also known as cardio kickboxing, is a workout that combines […]

What’s Full Contact Kickboxing?

Full contact kickboxing combines Western boxing and traditional karate techniques, allowing opponents of similar weight to exchange full contact blows and kicks to the torso and head. Rules vary, but typically opponents can strike with padded fists and feet above the hip. Matches are typically three to 12 rounds of two to three minutes each. […]

How to become a kickboxing instructor?

Becoming a kickboxing instructor varies depending on location and skills, but affiliating with professional groups and obtaining certification can help. Experience is helpful, and there are various programs and groups that offer certification, such as the Professional Kickboxing Association and American Fitness Professionals & Associates. Specializing in a specific area, such as kickboxing for kids […]

What’s Kickboxing Fitness?

Kickboxing fitness is a popular cardio exercise that combines aerobics, martial arts, boxing, and kicking. It is not a competitive sport and is taught in large classes with a single instructor. Students use punching bags to practice moves and are encouraged by high-energy music. It is a good way to get in shape, relieve stress, […]

What’s Muay Thai Kickboxing?

Muay Thai kickboxing is a martial art originating in Thailand that uses eight contact points: hands, elbows, knees, and feet. It is known for its clinch technique and is popular among MMA fighters. It is considered a challenging but rewarding form of martial arts that promotes discipline and self-awareness. Often referred to as Thai kickboxing […]

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