What’s a category killer?

Category killers are brands or products that dominate a market, leaving little room for competitors. They can be retail stores or individual products, and while they offer lower prices, they limit consumer options and often force smaller businesses out of the market. Category killers are brands that enjoy such high demand from consumers that they […]

What’s a natural killer cell?

Natural killer cells are white blood cells that defend against foreign invaders such as tumors, bacteria, and viruses by recognizing human leukocyte antigens (HLA) on the surface of other cells. If the HLA appears foreign, the natural killer cell will release toxins that kill the foreign cell. However, the body has steps in place to […]

Stanford White’s Killer?

The murder of architect Stanford White by Harry Kendall Thaw in 1906 was a scandalous event of the Gilded Age. Thaw’s temporary insanity plea marked the first use of the MacNaughton Act in American legal history. The motive for the murder was a love triangle between Thaw, White, and showgirl/model Florence Evelyn Nesbit. White was […]

What’s a serial killer?

Serial killers are individuals who kill at least three people with psychological gratification as their primary motive. The progression from ordinary individual to serial killer can begin early in life, and many show signs of childhood trauma and abuse. Psychologists classify serial killers into “organized” and “disorganized” types and based on the types of murders […]

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