What’s a King Stud?

King studs are used in post and beam construction to support door and window openings. They increase structural stability and are often preferred by contractors. They sit outside the frame and hold the headers, with additional support from jack pins. Architects must consider king stud requirements when drafting plans. A king stud is a specialized […]

Best King Stud: How to Choose?

When selecting king studs for building construction, choose kiln-dried lumber labeled as #1 grade and free from defects, knots, and twists. Avoid pressure-treated wood and check for signs of fungus or mold. Select the correct size to ensure consistency. A real stud is one of the most important framing members in building construction. These studs […]

Pres. vs. king: what’s the diff?

Presidents and kings are heads of state, but differ in how they obtain their position. Kings inherit their position and can be absolute rulers or figureheads, while presidents are elected officials with term limits and associated with democratic systems. Dictators may falsely assume the title of president. Both presidents and kings are heads of state, […]

Martin Luther King, Jr. Day: What to know?

Martin Luther King Jr. Day is a US holiday celebrated on the third Monday of January to honor the civil rights leader’s birth. King emphasized nonviolence to protest racial discrimination and led peaceful protests, including the historic March on Washington in 1963. Congressman John Conyers introduced legislation for a holiday four days after King’s assassination, […]

King of spades: what’s his tale?

Playing cards have been popular since ancient times, with 52 cards being the standard. The French adapted the spade suit from German playing cards, with the king of spades representing aristocratic knights. French card makers saved time by carving the designs of the king, queen, and jack on wooden blocks or copper plates, making cards […]

What’s an Oyster King Mushroom?

King oyster mushrooms, also known as royal trumpet mushrooms, are the largest in the Pleurotus genus. They have thick stems and thin, flat caps, and are commonly used in Asian cuisine. They have a longer shelf life than other mushrooms and can be marinated and sautéed or grilled. Native to the Mediterranean and parts of […]

What’s a King Cake?

King cake is a traditional baked product eaten during Christmas and Carnival celebrations in many cultures. It is named after the three kings who visited the newborn Christ, and contains a hidden ornament, usually a child. The season for eating king cake begins on January 6 and lasts until Carnival, with different variations of the […]

King crab season? When?

King crabs are commercially fished in Alaska and Russia, with different types and locations having different seasons. Fishing quotas and restrictions on catching female and juvenile crabs have been implemented to maintain a healthy population. The length and timing of the season vary depending on the type of crab and location. King crab is a […]

What is King Crab?

King crabs are large decapod crustaceans with rich, flavorful meat. The most commonly used species for food is Paralithodes camtschatica, but other species like red, brown, golden, and blue king crabs are also harvested. Scarlet king crab has delicious meat but is not commercially viable. Crabmeat is high in protein and low in fat. King […]

What’s special about the king of hearts?

The King of Hearts is the only king without a mustache in an American deck of cards, possibly due to its association with purity. Playing card designs vary across cultures. In an American deck of cards, the King of Hearts is the only king without a mustache. The King of Spades, Diamonds and Clubs all […]

Who’s the heraldic king?

A king-at-arms is a high-ranking heraldic officer who grants coats of arms and performs other duties. Heraldic pads are designs associated with specific people or companies. A college of arms is typically overseen by a king of arms, and many other high-ranking officials may also be known as “kings of arms”. Heraldry is complex, and […]

Was King Charles VI of France insane?

King Charles VI of France had psychotic episodes throughout his life, which may have been caused by schizophrenia or encephalitis. He was kind when himself, but paranoid and aggressive during episodes, even killing. He died at 53, ruling France for 42 years. To meet the legal definition of insanity in most countries, a person must […]

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