What’s the kissing bug?

Kissing bugs, also known as killer bugs or triatomines, are a subfamily of insects found in the Americas that feed on human and animal blood. They can cause allergic reactions and transmit diseases like Chagas disease. Prevention methods include using screened windows and insect repellent. A kissing bug is an insect of the subfamily Triatominae, […]

Are cousins kissing?

The idiom “kissing cousins” refers to distant relatives who are still considered acceptable spouses in some cultures. Cousin marriage has been used historically to maintain family status and wealth. While frowned upon in some parts of the US, many Western countries allow marriage between cousins. Research suggests that some level of inbreeding may have genetic […]

What’s kissing disease?

Infectious mononucleosis, or “kissing disease,” is caused by the Epstein-Barr virus and is often transmitted through saliva or close personal contact. It is most common in young adults and can cause fatigue, fever, and swollen lymph nodes. While most cases clear up on their own, those with compromised immune systems may require more aggressive medical […]

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