What’s a black knight in business?

A black knight is a corporate raider who attempts a hostile takeover of another company by identifying viable targets, acquiring shares, and gaining controlling interest. Success depends on spending fewer resources than can be realized in profits. A black knight is a common reference to a corporate raider or a company that engages in the […]

What’s a gray knight in finance?

A gray knight is an uninvited bidder in a corporate acquisition who is not considered a friend or foe of the target company. They are an equitable alternative if the preferred bidder cannot reach an agreement, but may also be a potentially malevolent force waiting for the deal to collapse. Their strategy involves placing a […]

What’s a “Knight in Shining Armor”?

“Knight in shining armor” is an idiom describing a heroic savior, originating from romantic representations of knighthood in the Middle Ages. The term became common in the 19th century and is used in both British and American English. The phrase comes from a satirical poem by Henry Pye in 1790, but its figurative meaning relies […]

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