Why induce labor?

Inducing labor can be necessary for medical reasons, but elective induction before 39 weeks is not advised. Complications such as high blood pressure, preeclampsia, and fetal distress can also require induction. The process involves using hormones to stimulate contractions, but carries risks such as C-sections and uterine tearing. The decision to induce labor should be […]

What’s labor shortage?

Labor shortages occur when there is a lack of skilled workers for a particular task. Employers must offer incentives to attract and retain qualified candidates to restore balance between supply and demand. Retirement, natural disasters, and growth can cause labor shortages in any industry. The two options to address labor shortages are automation or offering […]

What’s Emotional Labor?

Emotional work involves displaying expected emotions for a job, causing stress and burnout. It disproportionately affects the poor and marginalized, and is often gendered, with women expected to display positive emotions. Creating happy work environments can reduce emotional stress and increase worker loyalty. Emotional work is the work a person does to get their displayed […]

What are labor costs?

Direct labor costs are salaries paid to employees directly involved in manufacturing a product or providing a service, while indirect labor costs refer to those not on the direct production line. Dividing workers by their contribution to direct or indirect labor costs helps determine total cost. To calculate direct labor costs, a company must analyze […]

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