Lactose intolerance symptoms?

Lactose intolerance affects 75% of the adult population globally, causing symptoms such as bloating, gas, and diarrhea. Babies can also experience symptoms, leading to dehydration and slow growth. Treatment options include lactase supplements and dairy alternatives. A doctor should be consulted to rule out a dairy allergy. Humans are one of the few species that […]

Lactose in Greek yogurt?

Greek yogurt has less lactose than regular yogurt, making it easier for people with mild lactose intolerance to digest. The amount of lactose in Greek yogurt varies depending on how much is strained, but it generally contains less lactose than American-style yogurt. The live cultures in Greek yogurt also make it easier to digest for […]

Lactose fermentation: what is it?

Lactose fermentation by microorganisms produces lactic acid and can be used to remove lactose from foods. Lactose intolerance results from a lack of lactase enzyme, but can be managed through diet or enzyme supplements. Dairy products can be made low-lactose or lactose-free through fermentation and removal of precipitate. Fermentation is the anaerobic, energy-producing breakdown of […]

Signs of lactose intolerance in kids?

Lactose intolerance in young children can cause stomach cramps, gas, and diarrhea. Diagnosis should be done by a doctor, and treatment involves avoiding lactose-containing foods and finding alternative sources of calcium. Many children outgrow lactose intolerance as they get older. The most common signs of lactose intolerance in young children are typically stomach cramps, gas […]

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