Types of lawsuits?

Litigation is the legal process where one party seeks relief for damages caused by another. The two main types are criminal and civil litigation, with civil cases seeking to recover damages. Class action lawsuits consolidate similar cases into a single action. Any entity recognized under the law can be a party. “Litigation” is the term […]

What are Matrimonial Lawsuits?

The Matrimonial Causes Act of 1857 allowed divorce to be granted by common law courts, recognized marriage as a contractual relationship, and granted women rights to inherit, control, and bequeath property. Caroline Norton’s lobbying efforts contributed to the act’s passing. The act established alimony, property rights, and limited custody rights for divorced women. The grounds […]

Pharma Lawsuits: What are They?

Pharmaceutical litigation deals with lawsuits for defective drugs, where responsibility for damages lies with any party involved in the drug’s trade chain. Theories of liability include strict liability, negligence, and failure to report. Government agencies regulate prescription drugs, but their approval isn’t a guarantee of safety, and laws of a jurisdiction govern how consumers can […]

What are race bias lawsuits?

Racial discrimination lawsuits are brought against companies or government agencies that treat people unfairly because of their race, skin color, or national origin. Victims can seek monetary damages for intentional or covert discrimination, and laws prohibit discrimination in employment, loans, housing, and business. Discrimination can occur through policies that seem neutral but have an unfair […]

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