Title libel: what is it?

Libel of title is when someone makes false claims about another person’s property with malicious intent. It can involve disparaging comments about the property or title ownership. To prove libel, the statements must be known to be false, made with malicious intent, and cause actual harm. People can avoid this tort by sticking to factual […]

What’s seditious libel?

Seditious slander was illegal in 17th-century England and the United States, making it a crime to criticize the government. Defendants were convicted by judges, not juries, and truth was not a defense. The Alien and Sedition Acts of 1798 were passed due to paranoia about anti-government immigrants and political parties. Seditious libel laws became obsolete […]

Libel, slander, defamation: what’s the difference?

Defamation, libel, and slander refer to harm done to reputation through false or harmful statements. Defamation is damaging reputation through false or damaging statements, while libel and slander are forms of defamation. Defamation lawsuits seek to determine monetary damages based on actual harm caused. Libel is defamation in print, while slander is verbal. Defamation is […]

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