What’s the transverse lie?

Transverse lying is when a baby is sideways in the uterus before delivery, making vaginal delivery difficult. Options to move the baby include exercises and manipulation, but a C-section may be necessary. Routine prenatal care is important to identify risks. Transverse lying is a situation where a baby lies sideways in the uterus before delivery. […]

Do lie detectors work?

Polygraph tests are unreliable in detecting lies, as they primarily measure skin conductance which can be easily falsified. Even expert liars can pass the test, while false positives are common. The test can ruin careers and give a false sense of security, leading to laziness in security measures. The assumption that there is a consistent […]

What’s a lie detector test?

A lie detector test measures a person’s physiological responses to questions to detect deception. It records breathing, sweating, and heart rate, and is used by law enforcement and employers. However, it can be manipulated and lead to erroneous results due to anxiety or subjective interpretation. A lie detector test, also called a polygraph test, is […]

What’s the meaning of “Let sleeping dogs lie”?

The idiom “let sleeping dogs lie” means to avoid stirring up old conflicts or unresolved issues. It is better to agree to disagree and move on. The origin is attributed to Chaucer and refers to the danger of waking a sleeping dog. The idiom let sleeping dogs lie means not to stir up old conflicts […]

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