What’s a lighthouse?

Beacons emit light or electrical signals to attract attention, often used to warn of danger or signify an alarm. They have historical uses in warning of enemy attacks and sending coded messages. Modern uses include airfield and marine navigation, distress signals, and marking special occasions. A beacon is a type of device that attracts attention […]

What’s the Alexandria Lighthouse?

The Lighthouse of Alexandria was one of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World, built by Ptolemy I Soter in Egypt. It was a tall building with a continuously burning flame that served as a landmark for navigation. Its architect, Sostratus of Cnidus, covered his name with plaster, but it was discovered centuries later. The […]

What’s a lighthouse keeper?

Lighthouse keepers were responsible for maintaining lighthouses, including the lens, clocks, and structure. They also provided signals to guide ships safely to shore. With technological advancements, most lighthouses are now automated, but some designated historic sites still have keepers who act as tourism directors. Lighthouse keeper are persons employed for the purpose of keeping a […]

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