What’s Quick Lime?

Quicklime, or calcium oxide, is produced by heating limestone and has been used for centuries in a range of applications. Its manufacturing process is one of the oldest chemical reactions known to man. Quicklime requires careful handling and can be dangerous, but it is useful for things like mortar and wastewater treatment. Quicklime, more formally […]

What’s Hydraulic Lime?

Hydraulic lime is a type of calcium carbonate used to make mortar and plaster products. It hardens when exposed to water and has low elasticity, making it ideal for historic preservation. It comes in several varieties for different applications. Hydraulic lime is a type of lime, or calcium carbonate, that is used to make mortar […]

What’s hydrated lime?

Hydrated lime is made by adding water to quicklime, and is used to make mortar and plaster. It can be produced from limestone through a three-step process. Different processes produce different percentages of water, calcium, and magnesium. Hydrated lime is classified according to the amount of water it holds and its maximum air content. It […]

What’s a lime kiln?

Lime kilns convert limestone into lime, an essential ingredient in construction and agriculture. Traditional kilns were small brick huts, while modern ones are continuous towers that produce a better product. Periodic kilns are permanent structures for lime harvesting, while heap furnaces are primitive and imprecise. Continuous kilns are free-standing structures that produce pure lime and […]

What’s Lime Render?

Lime plaster is a protective coating for buildings, especially old masonry ones. It absorbs moisture and allows for evaporation, preventing cracking and erosion. It can be purchased in different styles and colors and is easy to apply with proper surface preparation. It is recommended for weak, porous, and crumbling materials. Lime plaster is a lime-based […]

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