What’s a Micro Linear Actuator?

Micro linear actuators are small devices used to move objects in a straight line. They work by converting energy into force and come in mechanical, hydraulic, pneumatic, electric, and electromagnetic types. They have lower load capacity and are commonly used in small electronics and toys. A micro linear actuator is a small or compact device […]

What’s a Linear Servo Actuator?

A linear servo actuator provides straight-line motion control based on feedback signals from sensors and a servo controller. It produces a linear motion and is capable of precise control in response to changing demands. A linear servo actuator is a device used to provide straight-line actuation of secondary mechanisms, the extent, direction and duration of […]

What’s a Pneumatic Linear Actuator?

A pneumatic linear actuator uses compressed gas to move in a straight line. It has a piston inside a cylinder and can produce force based on the size of the piston and pressure of the gas. It is simple, fast, and used in manufacturing and safety devices, but lacks precision and lifting power. A pneumatic […]

What’s a DC Linear Actuator?

DC linear actuators are electromagnetic devices that use direct current (DC) power to create linear motion. They are used in various industries and environments, such as machine actuators, door controllers, and TV lifts. They operate using gear or worm arrangements and come in various sizes and power outputs. DC installations offer benefits such as low […]

What’s a Linear Circuit?

Linear circuits maintain consistency of electronic components and properties, regardless of voltage variations. They do not contain non-linear components like diodes or transistors and are separated from digital production lines. Linear circuits are used in protection methods for electronic devices and possess a superposition property. A linear circuit is designed in such a way that […]

What’s a linear bearing?

Linear motion bearings facilitate smooth movement of an object in a linear direction using small steel balls or roller bearings. They are used in machines and industrial applications, as well as in sliding tables and filing cabinets to reduce friction and improve function. A linear motion bearing is a device used to allow movement of […]

Linear Alternator: What is it?

Linear alternators produce AC using linear motion, but it’s often more practical to convert linear motion into rotational motion. They use electromagnetic induction and can be applied in low force requirements. They have potential for growth in various applications, such as generating electricity from shoe movements. New uses are constantly being discovered, and advancements in […]

What’s a Linear Actuator?

Linear actuators convert non-linear energy into linear motion using various primary energy sources such as electric motors, fluid and air pressure, and thermal expansion. They are used in a range of applications from door openers to heavy machine actuators. Different types of linear actuators include rotary source, linear cam, hydraulic and pneumatic, and less frequently […]

What’s a Linear Encoder?

Linear encoders are electronic sensors used to measure position along a straight line in robotics and automation systems. They use different sensing methods, such as optical, magnetic, or eddy currents, to determine position. The data can be incremental or absolute and is used for informational purposes or as part of a computerized system. A linear […]

What’s a Linear IC?

Linear integrated circuits receive, process, and produce a variety of energy levels. They are analog and can create an infinite number of output levels. They are used for amplifiers and oscillators, with the most common type being operational amplifiers. The circuit’s output level is linearly proportional to the input level. A linear integrated circuit is […]

What’s a linear diffuser?

Linear diffusers are an alternative to traditional HVAC vents, distributing air through narrow ducts for even airflow and quieter ventilation. They come in various designs and materials, and must be carefully selected to match the HVAC system and building requirements. Heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) systems supply heated and cooled air to different areas […]

What’s Integer Linear Programming?

Linear programming involves solving linear systems with restrictions on variables. Integer linear programming adds the restriction that variables must be integers. This makes it harder to solve, but important for real-world applications. Heuristics like the branch and bound algorithm can be used to solve these problems. Integer linear programming problems arise when trying to solve […]

What’s an Elec Linear Actuator?

An electric linear actuator converts electric motor motion into linear motion using screw, wheel and axle, or cam mechanisms. Different types of electric motors can be used depending on the application needs. Construction techniques can vary, with some requiring a compact design. A linear actuator is a device that generates linear motion from an energy […]

Piezo Linear Actuator: What Is It?

Piezoelectric linear actuators use the piezoelectric effect to convert electrical current into motion in a crystal. There are two types: stepping and continuous acting. Layering crystals can result in larger movements, and reversing polarity can cause the actuator to move in the opposite direction. Some crystalline structures give an electric charge when stressed or twisted, […]

What’s a linear motor?

A linear motor uses multi-phase alternating current to produce linear force along the stator. It can be low or high acceleration and is used in transportation, entertainment, mining, and manufacturing. It was first designed in the 1840s and has since been used in various settings, including airplanes and military weapons. Sometimes referred to as a […]

Best small linear actuator: how to choose?

Small linear actuators are used for robots, motion-enabled products, and automatic valve products. Size and weight are important factors to consider, as well as force and speed. Small actuators are useful for keeping robots small and can fit more hardware. The force of small actuators is typically between 400 and 2,000 pounds, and their speed […]

Linear Polarizer: What is it?

Linear polarizers allow light waves to pass through in a certain plane, reducing glare and controlling light intensity. Different types include dichroic, reflection, double refractive, and beam splitting polarizers. They can be used to eliminate reflections, increase color saturation, and simulate animation. A linear polarizer is often used in sunglasses, camera lenses, projection filters, and […]

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