Auto lip reading?

Automatic lip reading is a growing branch of speech recognition technology that tracks a speaker’s lip movements and other related elements to interpret verbal messages. It requires a video of the speaker and can use facial expressions and head movements as contributing factors. Lip geometry estimation is one of the most advanced computer systems used […]

Causes of lip allergies?

Allergic reactions on the lips can be caused by food or pollen allergies, as well as lip balms or cosmetics. It’s important to determine the cause before a potentially life-threatening reaction occurs. Personal care products often contain ingredients that trigger allergies, and oral hygiene or skin care products can also be the culprit. In some […]

Causes of lip discoloration?

Lip discoloration can be caused by hormonal changes, sun exposure, diet, or be a sign of oral cancer. Hormonal changes are the most common cause, especially in women, and can be treated with hydrocortisone, kojic acid, or topical retinoids. Smoking and excessive coffee consumption can also cause lip discoloration. Dentists check for signs of oral […]

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