What’s a lipoma?

Lipoma tumors are benign tumors made up of fat cells and are common in the general population. Treatment is usually offered for cosmetic or mobility reasons, or if there is concern it may be malignant. Treatment options include surgical excision, liposuction, or steroid injections. Lipomatosis is a variation where numerous lipomas form, and Dercum’s disease […]

Types of lipoma tumors?

Lipoma tumors are soft tissue growths that usually do not pose a malignant threat and arise from fatty tissue. They can affect different areas and individuals, with some types affecting certain genders. Surgical removal is usually unnecessary, but some tumors can cause complications depending on their location or complexity. A soft tissue tumor that probably […]

Causes of breast lipoma?

Breast lipoma is a benign tumor that can develop due to hereditary factors or tissue trauma. It grows slowly and is usually painless. Diagnosis is done through imaging studies, and treatment involves monitoring for changes or surgical removal if necessary. Breast lipoma can develop as an inherited condition or due to previous injury or tissue […]

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