Where is love’s channel?

Love Canal, a residential neighborhood in Niagara Falls, New York, was used as a dumping ground for toxic waste for much of the 20th century. Hooker Chemical and Plastics Corporation buried nearly 22,000 tons of toxic waste products there. The harmful effects of chemicals on nearby residents brought toxic waste to the forefront of global […]

Which country loves US most?

The Philippines has the highest favorability rating towards the United States at 85%, followed by Ghana and Israel at 83%. Israel’s Jewish community has a 90% approval rating, while the Arab community has only 42%. The Middle East had the most unfavorable response, with 85% disapproval in Egypt and 82% in Jordan. Most European countries […]

Which US city loves poetry the most?

“Raining Poetry” initiative brings water-repellent poems to Boston sidewalks for National Poetry Month. Poems by Langston Hughes, Gary Duehr, Barbara Helfgott Hyett, and Elizabeth McKim appear when it rains. Sidewalk Poets use biodegradable spray paint and cardboard stencils. The project may expand to include other languages. A 2016 public art initiative is bringing poetry to […]

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