Types of breast lumps?

Breast lumps can be caused by infection, injury, growth, or cancer. Mastitis and nipple piercing are common infections, while fibrocystic breasts and breast cysts are benign growths. Fibroadenomas are solid growths that may be removed for evaluation. Breast cancer is the most serious type of breast lump. Treatment may include chemotherapy, radiation therapy, or surgery. […]

Types of benign breast lumps?

Benign breast lumps are noncancerous and can be caused by natural changes in breast tissue, hormonal fluctuations, breast injury, or breast infections. The most common types are fibroadenomas, intraductal papillomas, fibrocystic changes, simple cysts, traumatic fat necrosis, and gynecomastia in men. Most benign lumps require no treatment and will resolve on their own. Benign breast […]

Causes of armpit lumps?

An armpit lump can have various causes, including infection, shaving, antiperspirants, vaccinations, abscesses, and cancer. Treatment depends on the underlying cause, ranging from observation to chemotherapy or surgery. Consult a doctor for an accurate diagnosis and treatment plan. An armpit lump can have a variety of causes and should be examined by a doctor to […]

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