How does emphysema impact lungs?

Emphysema is a chronic respiratory disease that damages lung tissue, making breathing difficult and preventing oxygen from entering the bloodstream. Smoking is the most common cause, and symptoms include shortness of breath, weakness, and wheezing. There is no cure, but quitting smoking, medication, exercise, and maintaining a healthy weight can help slow the disease’s progression. […]

Effects of secondhand smoke on lungs?

Secondhand smoke can cause lung cancer, asthma, bronchitis, tuberculosis, and cardiovascular problems. Infants and pregnant women are at higher risk, and banning smoking from homes, cars, and workplaces is the best way to combat its effects. The effects of secondhand smoke on the lungs can be just as severe as those affecting a person who […]

How does cystic fibrosis impact lungs?

Cystic fibrosis damages lung tissue, increases bacterial infection risk, and causes mucus buildup, inflammation, and blocked airways. It is caused by two mutated forms of the CFTR protein, leading to a thick layer of mucus that impairs cilia function and causes inflammation and hypoxia. Lung transplants may be necessary. There are several main effects of […]

Causes of MRSA in lungs?

MRSA in the lungs can be caused by factors such as spending time in healthcare settings, having a compromised immune system, weakened lungs, and being on a ventilator. Hospitals and other treatment facilities are common places for MRSA to spread, making those who require long-term care more susceptible. Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus, or MRSA, can cause […]

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