Lupus vs. fibromyalgia: what’s the difference?

Lupus and fibromyalgia are rheumatic disorders with overlapping symptoms, but they are distinct conditions. Lupus attacks tissues, joints, and organs, while fibromyalgia causes widespread pain and fatigue. Lupus is diagnosed through blood tests, while fibromyalgia is diagnosed through tender point testing. Treatment varies for each condition. Lupus and fibromyalgia are rheumatic disorders that share some […]

Lupus remission frequency?

Partial lupus remission is common but temporary, with symptoms eventually returning. Total remission is rare, with most patients experiencing shorter periods of remission followed by flare-ups. Lupus is treatable, but patients must take care of their overall health. Flare-ups can be triggered by sunlight, illness, stress, or pregnancy, and their duration is unpredictable. Partial lupus […]

Lupus symptoms?

Lupus is a chronic autoimmune disease that can affect various systems in the body, causing symptoms such as joint pain, skin problems, and kidney issues. Diagnosis can be complicated due to the variety of symptoms, but early detection is important for effective management. Lupus is an autoimmune condition that can create various symptoms and outcomes. […]

What’s lupus nephritis?

Lupus nephritis is a complication of systemic lupus erythematosus that negatively affects kidney function. Treatment involves prescription medication, dialysis, or transplantation. Symptoms include impaired kidney function, foamy urine, and high blood pressure. Complications can include acute or chronic renal failure and end-stage renal disease. Lupus nephritis, also known as glomerular lupus disease, is a complication […]

Lupus or arthritis? How to tell?

Lupus and arthritis share similar symptoms, but lupus affects women more often and can be fatal. Lupus also affects multiple organs, including the kidneys, and can cause a unique rash. Arthritis is more prone to causing joint deformity. A doctor’s visit is necessary for a proper diagnosis. The symptoms of lupus and arthritis are alarmingly […]

What’s a Lupus Flare?

Lupus is an autoimmune disease with flare-ups that can be triggered by stress, medication changes, or sunlight exposure. Recognizing pre-flare warning signs, maintaining a healthy lifestyle, and avoiding triggers can prevent flare-ups. Severe flares can cause kidney failure or fluid around the heart. Lupus is a chronic inflammatory autoimmune disease characterized in part by “flare-ups,” […]

What’s lupus fatigue?

Lupus fatigue affects over 80% of those with the disease and can be linked to cognitive dysfunction, pain, anemia, and sleep disturbances. Exercise and a balanced diet can help, but the exact cause and cure for lupus remain unknown. Lupus fatigue is reportedly experienced by more than 80 percent of all people who suffer from […]

What are lupus Abs?

Lupus antibodies can cause problems with blood vessels and the circulatory system, but having them doesn’t necessarily mean a person has lupus. They can be found in healthy people and are associated with other anti-immune disorders. Lifestyle changes and medications can help manage the risk of developing a bleeding disorder. Lupus antibodies are antibodies that […]

Lupus and hair loss: any link?

Lupus causes inflammation in various tissues, cells, and organs due to the body attacking healthy tissues. Hair loss is a common symptom, usually gradual, and can be a warning sign of the condition. Treatment can reduce inflammation and symptoms, but there is no cure. Lupus is a condition in which various tissues, cells and organs […]

What’s Lupus Cerebritis?

Lupus cerebritis is inflammation of the brain tissue caused by lupus or infections, and can be life-threatening. Symptoms include headaches, seizures, and stroke. Diagnosis is difficult and treatment depends on the severity of the condition. Lupus cerebritis is a symptom of lupus in which brain tissue becomes inflamed, often due to damage to blood vessels. […]

Common lupus signs?

Lupus is an autoimmune disease that affects joints, skin, and organs. Symptoms include joint pain, fatigue, rash, fever, and more serious complications like seizures and difficulty swallowing. Treatment aims to control symptoms, and regular check-ups are important. Women with lupus who want to become pregnant should consult their doctor. Lupus, also known as systemic lupus […]

Discoid lupus symptoms?

Discoid lupus primarily affects the skin and is related to systemic lupus erythematosus. It is believed to have a genetic component and affects more women than men. Exposure to sunlight and smoking can trigger symptoms. Treatment includes topical corticosteroids and other medications, but hydroxychloroquine can cause irreversible damage to the retina. Sun protection is important […]

What’s Lupus Vulgaris?

Lupus vulgaris is a skin condition caused by Mycobacterium tuberculosis, presenting as small nodules that can lead to tissue destruction. It is treatable with a combination of antibiotics and can affect any part of the body. Diagnosis is confirmed through a skin biopsy. Lupus vulgaris is a painful lumpy skin condition most commonly caused by […]

Is lupus genetic?

Lupus has genetic factors but environmental risks may determine whether someone gets the disease. People of African, Asian, and Hispanic descent are more likely to develop lupus, suggesting genetic origins. Genetics is only a partial factor in determining who gets the disease and environmental conditions can also have an effect. Some types of lupus tend […]

Lupus fever frequency?

Fever is a common early sign of lupus, and lupus patients are more susceptible to infections. It can be difficult to distinguish between a lupus fever and a common fever, but paying attention to other symptoms can help. Lupus patients should monitor their temperature regularly and seek medical attention if their fever is above 102 […]

What’s CNS lupus?

Central nervous system lupus (CNS lupus) is a manifestation of systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) that affects the brain and spinal cord, causing cognitive dysfunction, headaches, visual disturbances, and movement disorders. It can be caused by inflammation, vasculitis, antiphospholipid antibodies, or anti-neuronal antibodies. Treatment involves anti-inflammatory and immunosuppressant drugs, anticoagulants, and plasmapheresis. Central nervous system lupus […]

What’s Lupus Vasculitis?

Lupus vasculitis is a complication of lupus where white blood cells attack blood vessels, causing inflammation and damage ranging from minor skin blemishes to severe organ damage. Diagnosis is through blood tests and treatment involves cortisone-based drugs and cytotoxic drugs in severe cases. Lupus vasculitis is one of several complications that can result from the […]

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