Martin Luther King, Jr. Day: What to know?

Martin Luther King Jr. Day is a US holiday celebrated on the third Monday of January to honor the civil rights leader’s birth. King emphasized nonviolence to protest racial discrimination and led peaceful protests, including the historic March on Washington in 1963. Congressman John Conyers introduced legislation for a holiday four days after King’s assassination, […]

Who’s Martin Luther?

Martin Luther was a clergyman who founded one of the most enduring Protestant faiths, with his writings informing many Protestant denominations. He became uncomfortable with unbiblical traditions and excesses in the church, leading him to draft the 95 Theses. Luther’s censure led to the establishment of the Lutheran Church in Germany and sparked a movement […]

Who’s Luther Burbank?

Luther Burbank was a horticulturist and botanist known for his innovations in agricultural science. He created over 800 new varieties of plants, including the Russet Burbank potato, Santa Rosa plum, and Shasta daisy. Burbank’s legacy is celebrated through memorials and continued popularity of his creations. He was also a strong believer in early education and […]

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