Lyme disease symptoms?

Lyme disease is caused by tick bites and has early symptoms of flu-like symptoms and a rash, while late-stage symptoms include fatigue and neurological issues. Treatment involves antibiotics, but some patients may experience ongoing symptoms. Lyme disease is a bacterial disease transmitted by the bites of several species of ticks in the United States, including […]

What’s Lyme Arthritis?

Lyme arthritis is caused by Borrelia bacteria transmitted through tick bites and can lead to joint pain, swelling, and inflammation. Antibiotics and anti-inflammatory drugs are used to treat it, but chronic Lyme disease may occur. Early diagnosis and treatment are important to prevent joint damage. Lyme arthritis is a joint disease caused by infection with […]

What’s the appearance of a Lyme rash?

Lyme disease is caused by tick bites and can have flu-like symptoms. The characteristic bulls-eye rash may appear a few days after the bite, but its absence does not mean a person is free of infection. Other symptoms should also be considered, and ticks should be removed and evaluated for disease. Lyme disease is a […]

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