Causes of swollen throat lymph nodes?

Swollen lymph nodes in the throat can be caused by a cold, tonsillitis, sore throat, or ear infection. Cancer, HIV, and mononucleosis can also cause swelling. Lymphocytes in the lymph nodes create antibodies to fight infections, and if an infection persists, it can cause swollen lymph nodes. Treatment depends on the cause, and lymphomas and […]

What’s a lymph cleanse?

A lymphatic cleanse can help remove toxins from the body and stimulate the lymphatic system, which is important for immune function. Certain foods, such as fruits and vegetables, and herbal remedies like echinacea, can aid in the process. Daily exercise is also recommended. A lymphatic cleanse can help remove toxins within the body. The lymphatic […]

Causes of swollen lymph nodes?

Swollen lymph nodes can be caused by infections, inflammatory diseases, or cancer. Infections are the most common cause and can be treated with antibiotics or antiviral drugs. Medical conditions that cause inflammation can also lead to swollen lymph nodes, and prescription drugs can help reduce them. If cancer is the cause, treatment may include prescription […]

Breast cancer & lymph nodes: concerns?

Breast cancer in lymph nodes indicates the cancer has spread. Lymph nodes are biopsied to determine if cancer has spread, and if so, treatment can include surgery, radiation, and systemic therapy. Stage II breast cancer is when cancer has spread to lymph nodes. Neoadjuvant therapy may be used before a mastectomy. The presence of breast […]

Lymph node cancer symptoms?

Cancer in lymph nodes can vary depending on whether it develops in the lymphatic system or spreads from other organs. Symptoms include enlarged lymph nodes, fever, night sweats, weight loss, and pain. Metastatic cancer can also cause new tumors to form in other areas. Symptoms of cancer in the lymph nodes vary depending on whether […]

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