What occurred on Mar 9?

Roosevelt introduced the Emergency Banking Act, beginning 100 days of New Deal legislation (1933). Barbie made her debut at the American Toy Fair (1959). Villa attacked New Mexico (1916). Other events include the Amistad mutiny ruling (1841), Puyi becoming a puppet emperor for Japan (1932), Svetlana Stalin’s defection (1967), Edward R. Murrow criticizing Senator McCarthy […]

What occurred on Mar 11th?

Lend-Lease bill signed by President Roosevelt (1941), blizzard of 1888 hits US, Gorbachev chosen to lead USSR (1985), Queen Anne vetoes Scottish Militia Bill (1708), McCartney knighted (1997), Roxy Theater opens (1927), Frankenstein published (1818), first British newspaper published (1702), COPS debuts on FOX (1989), Fleming dies (1955). President Franklin Roosevelt signed the Lend-Lease bill […]

What occurred on Mar 24th?

Koch discovered the tuberculosis bacillus in 1882, the Exxon Valdez oil spill occurred in 1989, Elvis Presley was drafted in 1958, Queen Elizabeth I died in 1603, NATO bombed Yugoslavia in 1999, the Quartering Act was passed in 1765, Joseph Smith was tarred and feathered in 1832, African-Canadians got the right to vote in 1837, […]

Mar 28 event?

Jackson was censured by Congress for dismantling the Bank of the United States. Franco’s forces took Madrid, ending the Spanish Civil War. Three Mile Island nuclear disaster occurred. Woolf died. France experienced a massive riot over a youth labor law. Two beer giants were born. Andrew Jackson was censured by Congress. (1834) Jackson was censured […]

Mar 28 event?

Jackson was censured for dismantling the Bank of the United States. The Spanish Civil War ended with Franco’s victory. Three Mile Island nuclear disaster occurred. The first washing machine was patented. Asteroid 2 Pallas was discovered. Fairbanks and Pickford got married. The Paris Commune was established. Virginia Woolf died. Over a million people rioted in […]

What occurred on Mar 27?

Marlon Brando refused his Best Actor Oscar in 1973 as a protest against Hollywood’s portrayal of Native Americans. Viagra was approved by the FDA in 1998 and quickly became popular. Venice was excommunicated in 1309, while Washington DC’s cherry trees were planted in 1912. John Eaton’s appointment as Secretary of War caused controversy in 1829. […]

What occurred on Mar 26?

Important events: Jonas Salk discovered polio vaccine (1953), Camp David Peace Accord signed (1979), Queen Elizabeth II sent first royal email (1976), and Vietnam Veterans Memorial groundbreaking ceremony held (1982). Other events include Aesop’s fable printed (1484) and F. Scott Fitzgerald’s first novel published (1920). Jonas Salk has announced the discovery of a polio vaccine. […]

Mar 16th: What occurred?

Mississippi ratified the 13th amendment in 1995, 130 years after it was ratified by 27 other states. Hitler violated the Treaty of Versailles by rearming Germany in 1935. Samoset, a Mohegan warrior, shocked colonists in 1621 by speaking English. Robert Goddard launched the first liquid fuel rocket in 1926. The My Lai massacre took place […]

What occurred on Mar 22nd?

The Stamp Act caused riots in America (1765). The Beatles released their first album (1963). The Equal Rights Amendment passed Congress (1972) but failed to be ratified. The laser was patented (1960). Gambling was outlawed in Massachusetts (1630). The Arab League was formed (1945). The London bullion market reopened (1954). Pentium chips were released (1993). […]

What occurred on Mar 5th?

Churchill’s ‘Iron Curtain’ speech marked the start of the Cold War. The Boston Massacre saw five American colonists killed by British soldiers. The Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty was signed in 1970. The Hula Hoop® was patented in 1963, and the air brake in 1872. Stalin died in 1953, and Italy used airships for military purposes in […]

What occurred on Mar 20?

Federal troops sent to Alabama to protect civil rights protesters (1965). Sarin gas attack on Tokyo subways by the Ultimate Truth cult (1995). FDA approves first anti-AIDS drug, AZT (1987). Dutch East India Company founded (1602). Picasso’s works shown in the US for the first time (1923). American representatives received by King Louis XVI (1778). […]

What occurred on Mar 18th?

The Stamp Act was repealed in 1766, but taxation without representation remained an issue. Aleksei Leonov performed the first spacewalk in 1965. Mohandas Gandhi was sentenced to prison in 1922. The Pedaliante, the first man-powered aircraft, flew in 1936. The War Relocation Authority was established in 1942, relocating Japanese Americans to internment camps. The Evian […]

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