Mar 10th: What occurred?

Bell made the first phone call (1876); Ray pleaded guilty to shooting Martin Luther King (1969); Book of the Month Club published its first selection (1936); Tibetan Rebellion began (1959); French Foreign Legion established (1831); Medina charged with war crimes for My Lai massacre (1970); First Punic War ended (241 BC); Columbus left the New […]

Mar 6 event?

The Dred Scott decision was made, Bayer patented aspirin, the Rosenberg trial began, the Zapruder film was shown on TV, the periodic table was presented, the first dental institute opened, Walter Cronkite signed off for the last time, Marines were sent to Vietnam, and Michelangelo was born. The Dred Scott sentence has been handed down. […]

What occurred on Mar 4th?

The US Constitution went into effect (1789), the Spanish flu was diagnosed (1918), Andrew Jackson held an open house (1829), John Lennon said the Beatles were ‘bigger than Jesus’ (1966), the FDA approved a blood test for AIDS (1985), the first socialist congressman was elected (1911), the American Automobile Association was founded (1902), Charlie Chaplin […]

What on Mar 17th?

St. Patrick’s Day Parade started in NYC (1762), van Gogh’s paintings gained recognition (1901), FDR married Eleanor Roosevelt (1905), Dalai Lama fled Tibet (1959), rubber band patented (1845), British evacuated Boston (1776), National Gallery of Art opened in DC (1941), MacArthur arrived in Pacific theater (1942), first duchy created in England (1337), Californium synthesized (1950). […]

Mar 15th: What occurred?

Johnson signed a bill granting equal voting rights (1965), Caesar was assassinated (44 BC), South Carolina declared independence (1776), the first “.com” domain was registered (1984), Tsar Nicholas II abdicated (1917), Washington stopped a rebellion (1783), Elizabeth Taylor and Richard Burton married (1964), Charles II issued a religious freedom declaration (1672), The Godfather opened (1972), […]

Mar 3rd event?

Helen Keller learned to communicate through touch with Anne Sullivan, who also had vision problems. The Star Spangled Banner became the US national anthem in 1931, while the US Marine Corps made its first amphibious landing in 1776. Switzerland joined the UN in 2002, and TIME magazine was first published in 1923. The Freedman’s Bureau […]

Mar 25th: What occurred?

Martin Luther King Jr. led a large anti-war protest in Chicago in 1967, but was criticized by civil rights leaders. Other events include the abolition of the slave trade in Britain, the opening of the world’s first passenger railway, and the Greek War of Independence. The Triangle Shirtwaist factory fire led to employee protection laws […]

Mar 12 event?

The Truman Doctrine was announced in 1947, shaping US foreign policy for over 50 years. Gandhi’s Dandi March occurred in 1930, while Roosevelt’s first “fire chat” was in 1933. Coca-Cola was first sold in bottles in 1894, and the first legal lottery tickets in the US were sold in 1964. Moscow became the capital of […]

What on Mar 7?

Germany violated treaties by reoccupying the Rhineland in 1936. Civil rights protesters were disbanded in Selma, Alabama in 1965. “We Are the World” was released in 1985. Emperor Constantine declared Sunday a day of rest in 321. Bangladesh elected its first democratic leader in 1973. Robert Frost’s poem was published in 1923. The US Senate […]

Mar 31st: What occurred?

Events: Eiffel Tower inaugurated (1889), Abigail Adams advocates for women’s rights (1776), Kanagawa Convention signed with Japan (1864), Titanic construction completed (1912), Motion Picture Production Code implemented (1930), Civilian Conservation Corps established (1933), Dalai Lama arrives in India (1959), first computer delivered to US Census Bureau (1951), Warsaw Pact ends (1991), President Lyndon Johnson announces […]

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