What’s the Mars Rover?

Several rovers have been sent to explore Mars, providing valuable scientific data. Only the United States has successfully launched and landed rovers on Mars. Rovers can survive on the surface of Mars and provide more information than orbiting spacecraft. NASA uses rovers to learn about Mars’ environment and history, and to prepare for potential human […]

Is NASA progressing well on Mars 2020 rover?

NASA’s Mars 2020 rover will launch in July 2020 and land on the Red Planet in February 2021 to collect rock and soil samples and search for signs of microbial life. A webcam called “Seeing 2020” allows viewers to watch the rover being assembled and tested at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory. The feed is available […]

Possible human habitats on Mars?

NASA is exploring the use of mycelium, the thread-like material inside mushrooms, to build habitats on the moon and Mars. The structures would include nutrient-producing cyanobacteria and water ice, and be baked to prevent contamination. The project could also have applications on Earth. In hopes of finding a relatively cheap and logistically feasible way to […]

First successful Mars mission date?

Mariner 4 was the first successful mission to Mars in 1965, producing 21 black and white images. The Soviet Union had attempted five missions prior. Mars has Olympus Mon, the tallest volcano in the solar system, and an average temperature of -50°F (-45°C). The first successful mission to Mars was the Mariner 4 spacecraft, which […]

Music on Mars?

Curiosity, a car-sized rover, landed on Mars in 2012 and has been studying the planet’s climate and geology. It hummed “Happy Birthday” to itself on its first anniversary, but usually vibrates at different frequencies to collect soil samples. The European Space Agency and Roscosmos plan to launch the ExoMars mission next year, while NASA’s Mars […]

Insight Lander: What did we learn about Mars?

NASA’s InSight lander detected an unexplained hum on Mars at 2.4 hertz, higher than Earth’s natural sounds. While seismic activity and winds are common on Mars, scientists are unsure of the cause of the hum. The lander has collected hundreds of earthquake readings, helping NASA understand Mars better. Mars contains channels in the rock that […]

Mars colonization: prospects?

Mars has the potential for colonization due to the presence of essential elements for life and a thin atmosphere that could support a limited biosphere. However, the low gravity level could cause health problems and make travel to Earth difficult. Mars’ atmosphere could be converted into oxygen through the introduction of hardy plants and artificial […]

Mars research direction?

Mars has Earth-like features and may contain liquid water. The Phoenix mission searched for signs of microbial life and was the first led by a university team. Mars has three operational orbiters and new missions are planned, including a network of rovers and eventual manned expeditions by NASA and the European Space Agency. Mars is […]

NASA’s Mars missions?

Mars missions have three phases: flybys, orbiters, and landers/rovers. As of 2009, orbiters and rovers are still active, collecting data on caves, glaciers, and salt deposits. Future missions include aerial views and subsurface explorations. Mars missions involved three basic phases. The most primitive were the initial fly missions. These were followed by orbiters and finally […]

Mars terraforming schemes?

In the future, humanity may need more space and Mars is a possible target for colonization. Terraforming Mars involves increasing atmospheric pressure, adding oxygen, and keeping the atmosphere warm. One proposed method involves introducing large amounts of CFCs to raise the temperature and cause CO2 to sublimate. Over time, algae and bacteria would spread, turning […]

Major landmarks on Mars?

Mars is a red desert planet with a thin atmosphere composed mainly of carbon dioxide. It experiences greater thermal extremes than Earth and has evidence of liquid water. Olympus Mons is the tallest mountain and Valles Marineris is the largest fissure in the solar system. Olympus Mons is a shield volcano and Valles Marineris is […]

When Mars travel for humans?

Scientists have explored the possibility of a manned mission to Mars since 1952, with successful orbital and rover missions providing better understanding of conditions. However, the challenges of a long journey, psychological tolerance, cosmic ray exposure, and payload weight reduction must be overcome. There are currently no solid plans for a manned mission to Mars […]

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