Marshall Islands: what to know?

The Marshall Islands, located in Micronesia in the Pacific Ocean, are made up of over a thousand coral islands with a total landmass of 70 square miles. The islands were first settled by Micronesians from Asia and were later visited by Europeans and claimed by Spain and Germany. The islands were controlled by Japan during […]

Who’s John Marshall?

John Marshall was the longest serving Chief Justice of the United States, from 1801 until his death in 1835. He issued important decisions, including Marbury v. Madison and McCulloch v. Maryland, which increased federal government power. Marshall had little formal education and fought in the American Revolutionary War before studying law and becoming a leading […]

What’s Marshall Syndrome?

Marshall syndrome is a genetic disorder that affects connective tissue and can cause hearing loss, eye problems, joint hyperextensibility, and facial abnormalities. It is similar to Stickler syndrome and has no cure, but treatment and therapy can help manage symptoms. It is inherited on a non-sex chromosome and can vary in expression within families. Symptoms […]

Who’s Dr. Marshall McLuhan?

Marshall McLuhan was a communication theorist known for his concepts of the “global village” and “the medium is the message”. His book, The Gutenberg Galaxy, discusses how the printing press changed society from oral to written literacy. McLuhan believed that television created a “ritribalization” communication system and accurately predicted the internet’s impact on linking the […]

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