What is Mary King’s Close?

Mary King’s Close, located off Edinburgh’s Royal Mile, is a haunted 17th century street that was quarantined during the plague. It has become a popular tourist attraction, known for its ghost stories and original buildings. The most famous ghost is said to be 10-year-old Annie, who died of the plague. Despite its dark history, it […]

What’s a Bloody Mary in Bartending?

The Bloody Mary cocktail has multiple creators, with variations including different spices and alcohol substitutions. A typical recipe includes vodka, tomato juice, Tabasco, Worcestershire sauce, lemon juice, and celery salt. Low-salt versions and non-alcoholic versions are also available. The drink’s name is thought to be inspired by Queen Mary I or Mary, Queen of Scots. […]

Who was Mary Wollstonecraft?

Mary Wollstonecraft was an 18th-century British philosopher and writer known for her feminist views and famous text A Vindication of the Rights of Woman. She also wrote on various subjects and had an unconventional lifestyle. Her reputation was tarnished by a posthumously published memoir, but she regained respect during the feminist movement and is now […]

What was the Mary Celeste’s sea mystery?

The Mary Celeste, a brig carrying raw alcohol, was found abandoned in the Sargasso Sea in 1872. The fate of the crew, including Captain Briggs, remains a mystery. Theories include fear of an explosion or a problem with the lifeboat. The sea hides many mysteries, perhaps none more baffling and enduring than the inexplicable disappearance […]

Who’s Mary Magdalene?

Mary Magdalene is a controversial figure in the New Testament, often confused with other women associated with Jesus. Misconceptions about her character and occupation exist, but she is believed to have witnessed the Crucifixion and was the first to encounter the resurrected Jesus. She retired to Ephesus or possibly France and her remains are kept […]

Who’s Mary Baker Eddy?

Mary Baker Eddy founded the Church of Christ, Scientist, after developing a belief system based on her research and understanding of the relationship between mind and body. She wrote Science and Health with a Key to the Scriptures and founded the Christian Science Monitor. Her legacy continues with the Church of Christ, Scientist and her […]

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