Flu masks?

Flu masks are a type of barrier worn over the mouth and nose to prevent the spread of the flu. They are important for infected people, healthcare workers, and those who work in the public sector. They can be purchased from medical supply outlets or obtained for free during a flu outbreak. They are similar […]

What are air purifying masks?

Air purifying respirators use masks, filters, and cartridges to filter contaminants from the air. There are many types for specific uses, from disposable dust masks to heavy-duty respirators for construction and mining. They offer mobility but require adequate oxygen in the environment. Air purifying respirators are special types of masks that cover the nose and […]

What are Venetian masks?

Venetian masks were originally used for anonymity during promiscuous activities in medieval Italy. They later became the emblem of Carnevale, a celebration of hedonism. The traditional method of making masks involves papier-mâché and decorating with fur, fabric, gems, or ribbons. Popular types include the Bauta, Columbino, Harlequin, and puckered lips. Venetian masks have a long […]

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