What’s matter’s state?

Matter can exist in different physical forms, known as states of matter, including solid, liquid, gas, plasma, and Bose-Einstein condensate. The state of matter depends on the strength of intermolecular forces. Classical states can switch between each other through heat and pressure, while non-classical states require specific conditions or exist in theory. Plasma is the […]

What’s matter’s composition?

Composition of matter is a type of patentable invention, referring to a novel mixture of two or more components, commonly applied to new chemicals. It must meet standards for novelty and can be patented with the process for making it. Patent protection duration varies regionally and internationally, requiring separate applications. In patent law, composition of […]

Matter’s properties?

Matter is made up of atoms and molecules, and its properties include mass, volume, physical and chemical properties. Physical properties can be observed without changing the object, while chemical properties change after a reaction. The periodic table lists the simplest types of matter, and bonding properties determine many traits substances have. The properties of matter […]

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