Mayan Calendar: What is it?

The Mayan calendar is a complex system that tracks time based on astronomical and mythical events. The Tzolk’in divides a year into 20 sections, while the Haab’ divides it into 18 months. The Long Count allows for extremely long periods to be determined. The Mayan calendar suggests an advanced society that rivaled or surpassed Western […]

Mayan ruins: what are they?

Mayan Ruins are archaeological sites of the advanced Mayan civilization that existed between 1300 BC – 1200 AD in Mexico, Guatemala, Honduras, and Belize. Tulum and Chichen Itza are the most visited ruins, while Tikal, Copan, and Altun Ha are other important sites. Mayan Ruins are the remaining archaeological sites of the Mayan civilization that […]

Mayan mythology: main elements?

Mayan mythology centers around corn and the belief that humans originated from a single grain brought from the underworld by the First Father. The civilization declined in the 10th century, but tales of Mayan mythology continued to be passed down as oral history. The creation myth, set in “Popul Vuh,” features the First Father, who […]

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