Best way to melt chocolate?

Melted chocolate is a versatile ingredient for baking and decorating, but it must be melted carefully to avoid burning or seizing. The best method is to use indirect heat and a double boiler, and to monitor the temperature closely. White chocolate is especially susceptible to seizing, but this can be reversed by adding a small […]

What’s a melt furnace?

Melting furnaces heat materials to their melting point, with different types for different materials. Metals are the most common material melted, with the furnace being an efficient and controlled way to do so. There are four main types of furnaces: dome, electric arc, induction, and crucible. The cupola is the most popular form of smelting […]

What’s a melt sandwich?

A sandwich melt is a sandwich with melted cheese, grilled, toasted, or cooked. Popular types include grilled cheese, patty melt, tuna melt, and Italian grilled sandwich. They can be made with different breads and fillings. The most distinguishing difference between a sandwich melt and other types of sandwiches is that a melt includes cheese that […]

What’s Melt Spinning?

Melt spinning is a process used to produce synthetic fibers, including Nylon®, polyester, and acrylic. Molten polymer is pumped through a spinneret and cooled with a blower before being wound into rolls. The properties of the fibers depend on the polymer solution, temperature, and cooling process. Melt spinning is efficient and automated, but limited to […]

What’s “melt” mean?

A financial “meltdown” occurs when prices of a specific asset class rise suddenly and dramatically due to investors buying assets to avoid missing out on the rising trend. However, when investors realize that the fundamentals cannot support rising prices, a sell-off can begin, leading to a “crash.” Investors must keep a close eye on financial […]

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