Mem vs. Data Storage: What’s the diff?

Memory and data storage are two separate entities often confused. Memory, including RAM and ROM, allows quick access to files from the hard drive. Data storage, also called hard disk space, holds permanent information. Virtual memory can be used when RAM is insufficient. Removable storage includes USB sticks and CDs. The terms memory and data […]

Conv. Mem. – What is it?

RAM was used differently on IBM PC computers and clones during the DOS era. Conventional memory was used for the operating system and programs, while upper memory and high memory areas were used to free up space. Digital Research DR DOS introduced a better strategy for conventional memory optimization, while Microsoft countered with their own […]

Reg Mem: What is it?

Registered memory supplements RAM by holding a small section of memory while the CPU accesses it, increasing stability and keeping power requirements low. It may slow down gaming applications, which require a constant flow of data from RAM and CPU. Registered memory is a type of chip that supplements random access memory (RAM) by holding […]

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