Does the world, except US, use metric?

The metric system, also known as the International System of Units (SI), is widely used around the world, except in the United States. It simplifies calculations and uses base 10 decimal units for weights, dimensions, and volumes. Temperature is measured in Celsius. The system was developed in France in 1791 and gradually spread to other […]

What’s a Metric Flanged Nut?

Metric flange nuts are designed to fit metric bolts or threaded rods, providing even pressure distribution and resistance to loosening due to vibration, shock, and thermal stress. Hex heads are common, and swivel and spherical flange nuts offer additional benefits. They are identified by letter and number, with M3 to M20 being the most popular. […]

Did pirates hinder US metric adoption?

The US has not adopted the metric system, despite attempts since 1793. Thomas Jefferson sought trade uniformity with France’s ten-base system, but a scientist sent to explain it was taken prisoner by pirates and died in captivity. Myanmar and Liberia are the only other countries not to have officially adopted the metric system. The United […]

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