Is Mexico City sinking?

Mexico City is sinking due to the overuse of aquifers for water supply, causing infrastructure damage and threatening water supplies and architecture. The city was originally built on an island in Lake Texcoco, which was drained by the Spanish. The sinking is caused by poor conservation and seismic activity. The Center for Ecology and Development […]

Mexico & US: Similar Gun Laws?

Illegal weapons are smuggled from the US into Mexico every day, contributing to Mexico’s high levels of gun violence with 100,000 gun deaths over the past decade. Despite only having one licensed gun dealer in Mexico, an estimated 580 guns are smuggled out of the US daily. 70% of guns recovered by Mexican law enforcement […]

How many states in Mexico?

Mexico is a federal republic with 31 states and one federal district. The country has a diverse range of ethnic and social groups and a varied terrain. Mexico was colonized in the 15th century for its natural resources, and the indigenous people suffered. In the early 1800s, Mexico fought for independence and established a government […]

Big cities north of Mexico before Columbus?

Cahokia was a large pre-Columbian settlement in North America, with up to 20,000 people living in and around it. It covered six square miles and included at least 120 earthen mounds. Archaeological finds include evidence of a game called Chunkey and human sacrifice. The city began to decline after a flood in 1200 AD and […]

Why bury thousands of video games in New Mexico?

The home video game market boomed in 1983 with revenues of $3.2 billion, but by 1985, it had dropped to $100 million. Atari’s game based on ET the Extra-Terrestrial was a costly failure, resulting in millions of unsold cartridges dumped in a New Mexico landfill. In 2014, a documentary crew excavated the landfill and found […]

Traveling to Mexico City: What to consider?

Mexico City is a bustling tourist center and business hub with a large airport and great public transport. It was originally an Aztec settlement and has many landmarks, museums, and art galleries. Visitors should be aware of pollution and street crime, and obtain a visa and recommended vaccinations. Mexico City, capital of Mexico, is a […]

Visiting Cozumel, Mexico – what to do?

Cozumel offers a variety of activities for different preferences, including beach activities, water sports, visiting Mayan ruins, wildlife and museums. There are also family-friendly options such as Sunday night festivities, miniature golf and themed amusement parks. Shops offer souvenirs and adults can learn about tequila-making. What you should do when you visit Cozumel, Mexico’s largest […]

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