What’s DNA Microarray?

DNA microarray technology allows scientists to study thousands of genes simultaneously, aiding research into conditions such as heart disease, cancer, and obesity. A DNA microarray consists of a slide with DNA molecules arranged in a specific sequence, allowing scientists to measure gene activity by binding fluorescent dye to mRNA. The brightness of the dye indicates […]

What’s a genomic microarray?

Genome microarray technology measures gene expression levels by using a chip with microscopic dots of DNA attached to its surface. Researchers can determine which genes are most active in a cell, which is useful in disease research and potentially for targeted therapy. Genome microarray, also known as deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) microarray, is a type of […]

What’s Microarray Analysis?

DNA microarray analysis is a multiplex assay used in molecular biology and diagnostic medicine to determine gene expression patterns in cells. The technique involves lining up DNA or RNA probes on a solid surface and analyzing the results to develop a list of genes that were present in the original cell extract. It is commonly […]

What’s a cDNA microarray?

A cDNA microarray is a method of identifying active genes in a cell. It uses small DNA sequences that attach to RNA sequences and are labeled with fluorescent labels. The test identifies which genes are expressing more than others and which are not expressing at all. It is useful for distinguishing genes that act differently […]

What’s a Microarray?

A microarray is a sequence of DNA, protein or tissue dots arranged on an array for simultaneous analysis. The most famous is the DNA microarray, which plays a vital role in gene expression profiling. Microarrays can be constructed in various ways and are used frequently in the analysis of an organism’s entire genome. However, there […]

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