Why is the “doomsday clock” at 2 minutes to midnight?

The Doomsday Clock, introduced in 1947 by the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, has been reset 23 times depending on world events. In January 2018, it was reset to 2 minutes to midnight due to threats such as North Korean nuclear aggression and climate change. The hypothetical Doomsday Clock was introduced in 1947, making its […]

Midnight breakfast: what is it?

Midnight breakfast is a tradition on college campuses during finals week, offering free breakfast foods and entertainment to students as a means of relaxation and community building. Some schools offer the event monthly or weekly, with themes and costumes. Midnight breakfast is served on most college campuses on the first day of finals week, when […]

What’s “burning the midnight oil”?

The idiom “burning the midnight oil” originated in 17th-century England when people used petroleum-powered lamps. It means working during the night hours and is often seen as a positive sign of dedication to a project or cause. Today, it is used symbolically as people rarely work by oil lamp. Examples include employees working late to […]

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