Improve car’s gas mileage?

Drivers can improve their car’s fuel efficiency by changing their driving habits and maintaining proper car maintenance. This includes avoiding aggressive driving, speeding, and maintaining proper tire inflation. Using cruise control and investing in a tailgate net for pickup trucks can also improve gas mileage. Hybrid and alternative fuel cars offer significant improvements in overall […]

Does acetone boost fuel mileage?

Adding acetone to gasoline to increase mileage is a claim found on internet bulletin boards, but it has not been scientifically verified. Acetone is a solvent that can strip paint and damage engine components. The oil companies and automobile manufacturers do not recommend the practice, and there is no evidence that it works. Anecdotal evidence […]

Gov’t mileage refund: How?

Employers can reimburse employees for using their personal vehicles for business purposes, following government rules and tax codes. The reimbursement can be deducted as a business expense on the employer’s tax return, or as an unreimbursed business expense on the employee’s personal tax return. A travel log must be maintained for reimbursement. If your employer […]

What’s mileage reimbursement?

Mileage reimbursement is when an employee is reimbursed for using their personal vehicle for business purposes. The reimbursement rate is usually based on government guidelines and employees must provide accurate accounts of their business miles. The US government may allow a tax deduction for businesses or individuals who use automobiles for business purposes. Travel from […]

What’s mileage deduction?

Business owners and employees can claim a mileage deduction on their taxes for certain gas charges. Accurate records of business-related miles driven and receipts for gas purchases are important. Deductions can be claimed for trips to seminars, client meetings, and other business-related outings, as well as trips to the bank, post office, and business-related supply […]

Mileage refund: what is it?

Employees may receive reimbursement for using their personal vehicle for business purposes through mileage reimbursement, which is often based on government guidelines. Employers may use standard mileage rates or set their own rates. Reimbursement is usually calculated by multiplying the number of company miles driven by the reimbursement rate. Home-to-work travel is typically not reimbursable. […]

Mileage deduction: what is it?

A mileage deduction allows business owners and employees to waive certain gas expenses on their taxes. To participate, the owner must calculate business miles traveled and multiply them by the standard deduction rate. Keeping accurate records is important, and software programs can help. Deductions can be claimed for trips to seminars, client meetings, and other […]

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