Who’s Milton?

John Milton was a British poet known for Paradise Lost and Paradise Regained. He was a Protestant in a Catholic world, educated, and married three times. His early works supported the Protestant church, but he opposed divorce laws and criticized education. He wrote Paradise Lost and Paradise Regained while blind, with Satan as a likable […]

Who’s Milton Trager, MD?

Milton Trager developed the Trager Approach, a natural healing method, after overcoming a spinal deformity to become a gymnast, dancer, and boxer. He discovered the potential of his technique when he gave his coach a massage and later used it to cure his father’s sciatica. Trager continued to develop and test his approach on people […]

Who’s Milton Hershey?

Milton Hershey was a candy entrepreneur who founded the Hershey Chocolate Company and perfected the Hershey Bar. He started in printing and candy making, and built an industrial city with worker housing, schools, and entertainment facilities. He was also a philanthropist who donated his fortune to charity and promoted the welfare of his workers and […]

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