What’s “top of mind consciousness”?

“Top of mind awareness” is a marketing strategy that aims to make a company stand out in consumers’ minds to influence purchasing decisions. Consistent communication and relevant information are key, as well as understanding the decision-making process and avoiding becoming a nuisance. Branding is also important for consumer trust and recognition. “Top of mind awareness” […]

CIA’s 1950s mind control experiments?

The CIA’s Project MK-ULTRA aimed to find a way to control people’s minds during the Cold War. Chemist Sidney Gottlieb spent $240,000 on LSD to distribute to research facilities and prisons. Some “volunteers” and prisoners died or were left unable to live a normal life. Swiss chemist Albert Hofmann first synthesized LSD in 1938. The […]

What’s Mind Upload?

Mind uploading is the hypothetical process of simulating a person’s brain in a computer to achieve the same intelligence, memories, personality, identity, and consciousness. It could allow humans to live longer, but there are ethical concerns. The concept is compatible with causal functionalist philosophies of mind, and parts of a mouse’s brain have been simulated. […]

What’s the unconscious mind?

The unconscious mind stores memories and experiences that shape one’s personality and actions, often without the individual’s awareness. Freud developed the theory to explain erratic behavior and created psychoanalytic methods to unlock repressed memories. The unconscious mind also helps individuals adapt to new environments and fit in with others. The unconscious mind is part of […]

What’s “not in my right mind” mean?

Non compos mentis means “not sane” and refers to someone who cannot be held legally responsible due to mental incompetence. This can be caused by developmental disabilities, mental illness, intoxication, or illness leading to altered consciousness. In law, non compos mentis individuals cannot be held responsible for contracts or wills. Medical care may require surrogates […]

“Meaning of ‘Composition of Mind’?”

Compos mentis refers to a person’s intact memories, understanding, and decision-making ability. Adults are generally assumed to be compos mentis, but individuals may need to be assessed in healthcare settings. Those who are non compos mentis cannot be held to contracts and may not have understood the risks and consequences of their decisions. Specialists may […]

What’s mind reading?

Mind reading can refer to mentalism or telepathy. Mentalism is a performance art using well-understood principles, while telepathy lacks scientific evidence. Mind reading is popular in culture, with characters often given telepathy as a special power. Transhumanists propose artificial telepathy as a future evolution of humanity. The term mind reading can be used to refer […]

Origins of “Mind Your P and Q” phrase?

The origin of the phrase “remember your Ps and Qs” is unclear, but one theory suggests it relates to bars keeping track of pints and quarts served. Another theory involves confusion between lowercase Ps and Qs in printing and handwriting. A chess-related explanation is also suggested. The phrase “remember your Ps and Qs” is often […]

What’s Mind Science?

The Science of Mind, also known as Religious Science, is a religion based on the theories of Ernest Holmes. It emphasizes positive thinking and the power of the mind, but does not reject traditional medicine. The belief structure includes the idea that God is infinite, personal, and loving, and that people can be healed through […]

What’s mind control fiction?

Mind control fiction explores the fear of losing free will, often through magical or technological means. Stories typically involve a character falling under mind control and being forced to act against their will, before ultimately breaking free. The methods of control vary, but often involve brain manipulation or subliminal messaging. The ethics of mind control […]

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