Molar solubility: what is it?

Molar solubility is the maximum number of moles of a solute that can dissolve in one liter of solvent. It depends on the solubility product constant and stoichiometry of the reaction. To calculate M, balance the chemical equation, find the Ksp value, and use the equation Ksp=(Na)(Cl) to find the ion concentrations, which are equivalent […]

What’s Molar Absorption?

Molar absorption is a measure of a chemical’s ability to absorb light at a specified wavelength. The Beer-Lambert law relates absorption to chemical concentration, path length, and molar absorption. Different chemical species have different molar absorption coefficients, which can be determined experimentally or found in reference manuals. Molar absorption is useful in spectrometry for measuring […]

What’s a mulberry molar?

Mulberry molars are caused by congenital syphilis and are characterized by dwarf molars with enamel growths on the cusps. They can be fixed with crowns, bridges or implants. The deformity is a late-stage marker for the disease and pregnant women should be treated to prevent transmission to the baby. Mulberry molars are physically defective permanent […]

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