What’s Monosomy?

Monosomy is a genetic defect caused by an incomplete set of chromosomes that can lead to various medical conditions. It can be identified during prenatal testing and can result in developmental disabilities. Genetic counseling is recommended for high-risk women. Monosomy is a genetic defect caused by an incomplete set of chromosomes. Various medical conditions are […]

What’s monosomy 9p?

Monosomy 9p, also known as 9p minus or Alfi syndrome, is a rare genetic disorder caused by the deletion of part of the ninth chromosome. It can lead to a variety of conditions and complications, including distorted facial features, microcephaly, and mental retardation. Additional care is often required, and there are organizations that can provide […]

What are monosomy disorders?

Monosomy disorders involve missing chromosomes and are rare, with Turner syndrome and Cri du chat syndrome being the most common. Turner syndrome affects one in 2,500 women and can cause growth and puberty issues, learning delays, and physical abnormalities. Cri du chat syndrome causes physical and learning disabilities, as well as a characteristic cry. Other […]

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