Last month cooler than average on Earth?

Scientists at the US National Climatic Data Center measure the Earth’s surface temperature each month and compare it to the previous century’s average to detect climate change trends. Every month since February 1985 has had above-average temperatures, providing evidence of climate change. The average temperature on the surface of the Earth is measured each month […]

What’s Hispanic Heritage Month?

Hispanic Heritage Month celebrates the history, culture, and achievements of Americans with ancestors from Mexico, Spain, the Caribbean, Central and South America. It runs from September 15 to October 15 and was extended from a week to a month by President Ronald Reagan in 1988. Teachers can celebrate by incorporating Hispanic culture into their curriculum […]

What’s Black History Month?

Black History Month celebrates the achievements of African Americans in various fields during February. Dr. Carter G. Woodson founded Negro History Week in 1926 to highlight African American contributions to American society. The week was expanded to a month in 1976. Critics believe black history should be celebrated year-round. Black History Month is a month-long […]

What’s Prostate Cancer Month?

Prostate Cancer Month promotes awareness and testing for prostate cancer, honors those who have died or survived the disease, and raises funds for research. Movember encourages men to grow mustaches to promote awareness, and certain weeks in September are designated for specific prostate cancer issues. One in six men will be diagnosed with prostate cancer, […]

What’s Sweet Potato Month?

February is Sweet Potato Month, which coincides with African American History Month. Sweet potatoes are not potatoes or yams and can be stored year-round. They stabilize blood sugars and are rich in vitamins and fiber. Sweet potatoes are versatile and can be used in various dishes, including desserts. Sweet Potato Month is February. Better known […]

What’s a lunar month?

Lunar months vary in length depending on the calculation method used, with the synodic month being the most common at approximately 29 days, 12 hours, and 44 minutes. Different religions use lunar months for their calendars, but they must be adjusted periodically to stay in line with the moon’s motion. The Gregorian calendar also requires […]

Nat’l Poetry Month: what is it?

National Poetry Month is a celebration of poetry in American culture held in April since 1996. The Academy of American Poets founded the event to raise public awareness of poetry, encourage schools to incorporate poetry into the curriculum, and increase media attention to poetry. The Academy sends free promotional posters to teachers, librarians, and booksellers […]

Meaning of “a month of Sundays”?

“A month of Sunday” means a long time. It can refer to a literal month full of Sundays, religious and cultural connotations, or an event that is unlikely to happen. The simplest definition of the idiom “a month of Sunday” is “a very long time”, although like many sayings, it is possible to dissect this […]

What’s a delivery month?

A delivery month is the month in which a futures contract is completed, either through physical delivery of goods or cash settlement. Futures contracts involve agreements to complete a deal at a future date, with prices agreed upon in advance. Delivery may involve actual delivery or simply a calculation, depending on the type of contract. […]

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